Thursday, July 27


It has been fascinating to follow the news over the past few months, watching what I will call pure nationalism. I know when you are a superpower, things are complicated. Every move America makes has consequences and will appear different to every friend and foe inside and outside of our country. When Hezbollah and Hamas stole from the sleeping bulldog - Israel, they found something unexpected in the world today. They found single-minded self-interest showing their teeth, ready for a fight. At the same time, they are exhibiting compassion for innocent non-combatants. Every other Middle East country seems to be allowing the Bulldog room - probably because to do otherwise won’t do any good. Israel has the power and more importantly, the national will to stand up to terrorist bullies.

If you think Israel over-reacted – it was by design. Put yourself in their position. They are surrounded by countries that want to see their destruction. They have an ongoing feud with the Palestinians. Their strong military leader, Ariel Sharon, is in a coma and his peace process (through strength) was at a stand still until now. When rockets started raining and soldiers were kidnapped and killed, Israel acted immediately and the world is on the edge of its seat. I believe this will bring us closer to peace than anyone realizes. Israel’s clear objective to stand up and defend herself using all her power should tell us something. This clarity of purpose could create a safer world. You know where they stand. If you send 10 missiles, the bulldog sends back massive retaliation. This strategy tends to shorten wars, a mini Hiroshima effect.

The U.S., on the other hand, demonstrates the opposite to our enemies. We are a country in conflict with ourselves. Political parties reflect the division in our country. Our solidarity after 9/11 has been replaced by a wishy-washy electorate who does not have the stomach for a long-term war against a determined enemy. We are a superpower, but out of political correctness and concern for our world image we rarely exercise our power and when we do, we feel guilty.

As an alternative, what do you think would happen if the U.S. said to North Korea and Iran, "If you want to launch missiles or build a bomb against the will of the world then on such and such a date, we will destroy your capital city. We will give your people time to leave, but those will be the consequences of your decisions."

That kind of clarity is what Israel conveys to their neighbors and consequently they have survived and are respected in a very dangerous Middle East. To some extent, they can be bold because they have a powerful and supportive Uncle Sam. But, we should look to their courage and singular purpose as a guide for our own foreign policy. One strong disciplinarian in a school yard cannot only make the place safe and secure, it can also spawn peace and contentment. The fact that ISRAEL is a chosen people is not lost on God-fearing people around the world. Even the broad Muslim world respects strength as their terrorizing fanatic fringe try to exploit the weak-kneed. We must understand superior strength will always be questioned, many times hated, and rarely beloved. With our power and wealth, the U.S. is not only the policemen in the world, we are the firemen and Red Cross too. It would be nice to get some credit for this good among men. But we won’t. We can only hope that our reward will come from the higher power upon which all power comes, and the gift of a peaceful world obtained through strength and resolve.


At 5:38 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob, you are confusing nationalism with National Socialism sometimes referred to as Nazism or Nazi for short. We saw the Nazi tactics applied in France and other Nazi occupied countries in WW2, and guess what "they didn’t work". What happened yesterday in Qana is no different to what happened in France at Oraudor-sur-Glane done by the SS in France in 1944. The weapons are different but the concept is the same. Innocent lives killed to revenge the kidnapping of military personnel. And guess what Bob, Israeli tactics are not working.

Now let’s move to our foreign policy directed by the great cowboy in Washington. The same cowboy that bought the intelligence advising this country of the "weapons of mass destruction".....also bought the concept of "surrounding Israel with democracies". It is time for him "the great Texas Cowboy" to switch BS vendors and dismiss his foreign policy team and replace them with competent people. Dismiss his Secretary of State and everybody else that has sold him BS. We have about 873 days left in this administration and we cannot afford any more failures. There are plenty of competent Americans that can help him right the ship and start "listening to the different players in the various regions of the world" and discover the realities of the world today. Henry

At 1:32 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As a conservative right wing Bible thumping Wacko, I get my say every month in the magazine"

Well admitting it is the first step to recovery. That's also why I don't read your magazine.

Although I was once a conservative, somebody moved the tent. Does anyone remember smaller government, keeping the government out of my personal business, fiscal responsibilty, and real moral values, not gay strippers as faux reporters, contractors with their hand in the cookie jar, Congress in bed with lobbyists, and forcing taxes on my grandkids for our lack of stewardship?

You're admitting to a closed-mindedness that doesn't serve us well, in business or in society. Bob, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

At 3:51 PM EDT, Blogger Bob Kober said...

H- your analogy might be closer if France had had a stated policy that denied Germanys' right to exist. And if Germany was surrounded by enemy nations all with similar policies. Israel is a bulldog out of self-preservation,vs. a world domination objective.
I'm willing to give the Bush team a little more time, because all these other smart people you refer to aren't showing there cohesive solutions nor are the newly elected Iraqi leaders saying " It's time for you to go we can handle it from here." Glad you could vent your frustrations. Is BS technically an expletive? BK

Anomymous II, It's nice to know there is someone out there that is right of Rush Limbaugh and me. BK


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