Monday, April 17

Global Warming

Some interesting developments this month. At a global warming summit in Wales there were a bunch of oil executives. It seems that as the great ice flows melt, great new fields of oil are being discovered underneath( North of the Old Soviet Union). The Global warming crowd is saying,"Ah-ha! The industrialists want more warming so they will find more fossil fuel to sell and then we will warm even faster.
Sounds logical, but wait? Fossil fuels come from decaying vegetation. Under the ice cap there must have been trees which means it must have been much warmer. So could our warming trend simply be the back and forth of the earths life cycle from warm to cold, cold to warm?
Another myth. How many times have you heard from scientists that as the polar cap melts the level of the oceans will rise, take over valuable land, causing great economic harm. Do this experiment with your elementary student. Fill a glass full of ice, then fill to the brim with tap water. Come back an hour later after the ice has melted. Is there water everywhere outside the glass? Hum! Truth. Ice takes up more volume than the same amount of H2O in its liquid form. During Global warming it is more likely that the beaches will expand not contract. Beach erosion, That's another story and this blow hard is done for the moment.


At 5:14 PM EDT, Blogger Patrick Eakes said...

It seems to me you would need to fill the ice over the top of the glass to have an analagous situation. The ice caps are above the level of the surrounding ocean.

Also, ice does not always take up more volume that liquid water. Check out a volumetric chart for water at about 4 degrees C.

At 7:52 PM EDT, Blogger Roch101 said...

"The Global warming crowd is saying,"Ah-ha! The industrialists want more warming so they will find more fossil fuel to sell and then we will warm even faster."

They are? I'm not sure who "The global warming crowd" is, perhaps you can point us to just who is saying that and let us see for ourselves if they include serious scientists and policy-makers.

As for your science lesson, the polar ice caps of Antartica are on land. Thus, their melting does add to the volume of sea water as does glacier melt.

It is true that water expands when it freezes but it is also true that water expands as its temperature rises. So, while floating ice will not raise sea levels when it melts, once melted, if it continues to warm, it will expand and raise sea levels.

At 11:06 AM EDT, Blogger Bob Kober said...

Science was never my strong suit; but, I was assuming that the ice would stick up above the water and the rim of the glass, but if you know about volumetric charts, I won't win this debate.BK

This discussion was on public radio, it might have been on the Diane Reames show but don't hold me to that. Serious scientists and policy makers questionable, but every one including publishers have a side in this discussion.
I believe it is also true that warmer air holds more moisture and evaporation is enhanced. This coupled with the potential melting ice at the north pole (no Land)could offset some of the melt runoff at the south pole. Do you feel as out of your elements as I do. two guys fighting for our sides.BK

At 12:53 PM EDT, Blogger Roch101 said...


I wouldn't have chosen to have a discussion on this topic with our rudementary understandings of science as something that could possibly yield some conclusions. I was picking up your original post.

I don't think this is an issue that neccessarily has "sides" to it. It's science. One either has a greater understanding or a lesser understanding. A Google search of "sea level global warming" might be a worthy endeavor towards greater understanding.

At 4:17 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with Roch on this one. Anyone should be suspicious of scientists with a political agenda. I'd suggest googling Michael Crichton's speech and resesearch to see what I mean.

I don't know which side is right, but I do not understand why the enviromental movement is led by extremist groups. There is good reason to doubt anyone calling for immediate action to prevent some world catastrophy.

As my friend Joel puts it, most everyone wants cleaner air and water. We don't need huge shifts in economic policies to avert some theoretic world catastrophy. The benefits of cleaner air and water are attractive to everyone.

At 1:27 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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